McKinley to the Moon
Meet Our Team of Lunatics

Jovan Champ
Team Lead; Grade 12; Computer Science
Hot take: Kirby is the best fictional character!
I look forward to getting to meet people who have succeeded in CS- or programming-based fields!

Nicholas Proctor-Moore
Grade 12; Computer Science
Hobby: Playing video games!
I'm looking forward to coding for the sensors of the satellite!

Josiah Smith
Grade 12; Computer Science
Hobby: Reading, just like Ms. Deutsch!
I look forward to working with smart individuals in order to making something cool!

Loron Hill
Grade 12; Engineering
Secret talent: Skateboarding!
I'm looking forward to soldering!

Hanna Floyd
Grade 10; Computer Science
Hobbies: Painting landscapes and playing video games!
I'm looking forward to the process of how the project actually goes to the Moon!

Benjamin Davis
Grade 10; Robotics
Hobby: Writing!
I'm looking forward to building the whole thing!

Eden Evans
Grade 10; Computer Science
Not-So-Secret Talent: Drawing (including our McKinley mission patch!)
I am most looking forward to the launch and working with friends on something we enjoy!

Kalen Bates
Grade 10; Engineering
Favorite Basketball Team: The Warriors... but Kalen also reps our hometown Wizards!
I look forward to using and understanding the pieces in the circuits!

De'Niyah Dickerson
Grade 10; Biotech
Favorite Artist: Giveon!
I want to talk to the people that have been on missions!

Ms. Taylor Deutsch and Dr. Ariel Deutsch
CS Teacher and CTE Department Chair (McKinley HS) and Research Scientist (NASA Ames Research Center)
A sister-team of mentors who are passionate about education and space accessibility!

Our Lunatics are gratefully supported by